Build an Email List with KIRIM

kirim email

You are struggling to keep up with your email marketing. You have a lot of emails to send, but you don’t have the time or resources to do it. 

You are struggling to build a relationship with your customers through your email marketing. 

It is essential to send the right message to your audience in order to be effective in any digital campaign. A successful e-mail campaign is based on a combination of creativity and accuracy.

What’s better than being able to easily remove the bad and keep only the excellent prospects in your inbox?

KIRIM Email helps you grow your business by automatically cleaning up your contacts, providing you with a full history of your contact list, and offering you a chance to recover from your email errors.

Use KIRIM.EMAIL, our AI email marketing tool, to help you send all the emails you need for a fraction of the price!

Important Note: SAAS BRIEFCASE ANALOGY: Kirim Email is just like an email validation that cleans up the messy emails, so that only the emails with proper names are left.

Validate your email lists and clean them automatically to avoid spam complaints. Stop paying for broken emails and build relationships with people.Get rid of spam complaints, increase deliverability and grow your business. Gain more customers and profits by building relationships with more people.

Subscribe to Kirim email! Save time and make more money!

What is Kirim Email?

Kirim is a completely new way of doing email marketing. Kirim is a fully automated email marketing service that automatically cleans, verifies, and resends your email lists. That’s it. You don’t have to worry about broken emails or invalid addresses anymore. Kirim does all of this automatically. You can focus on what you do best – grow your business.

It is founded by Fikry Fatullah in the year 2016 · 



Now we’re on the platform and we see that this is a great-looking website. It has a nice modern design, and it’s easy to use. We also see here on the dashboard a lot of information about the latest broadcast, our subscribers,and our lists.

If you want to create something new, simply click on the button to the right of the page where you can create anything you want. In this part of the screen, we can add as many fields to the template as we want, but we can’t edit or delete them.


Top 5 Key Features of Kirim Email

Automatically clean your list every time you send an email.

For any business that sends out regular emails, you need a solution to remove unsubscribes. It’s easy to say “send another email” when it’s often a terrible idea. You’ll just irritate your list, turn off new prospects, and make your life more difficult.

The solution is a SAAS tool like Kirim email that automatically cleans your list after sending an email. This is a prominent feature for ecommerce businesses, but it can also be useful for other types of companies that send out regular emails.

Get real-time reporting on your list quality and open rates.

One of the biggest challenges for B2C marketers is measuring success in terms of email opens. If you’re like most email marketers, you probably have little idea of what is going on with your open rates, let alone how to improve them.

What if you could get real-time data on which messages are converting better and which ones aren’t? With Kirim, you can. The company says it has seen an increase in email open rates of up to 75% in just a few days, and it will show you exactly how many emails you should send next time you hit your open rate limit.

Send personalised emails to the right audience, every time.

Kirim’s email marketing solution enables companies to create and send customised emails to their customers. They can also create segments based on customer data, such as the email address, purchase history, and demographic information.

As a result, Kirim allows businesses to get a better understanding of who their customers are and what they want. With this information, they can create more targeted campaigns and generate higher conversion rates.

Use the KIRIM Email API to integrate KIRIM Email with other apps.

KIRIM.EMAIL is a solution that integrates email, calendar, and contacts into one unified experience.

The KIRIM Email API allows developers to integrate KIRIM Email with other apps, so that users can seamlessly access their email from within those other apps. This means you can use KIRIM Email to send emails from within your app, without having to worry about users having to log in to their accounts and manually adding the email address of their KIRIM Email account to the app. 

The API is RESTful, meaning that the calls are made to an HTTP server. That means that any app can call the API and get a response. The API can send emails from your app, as well as from third party apps.

Integrate your campaigns with your CRM and never miss an opportunity to connect with your clients.

If you’ve ever tried to manually manage email marketing campaigns, you’ll know how tedious it can be. And when you’re running a business, every hour spent on something that isn’t generating leads or conversions is an hour you’re losing money. So, what if there was a way to automate email marketing campaigns without having to set up, launch, and monitor each email yourself? That’s where the automation and segmentation features of the email marketing software platform called Kirim come in. Kirim’s automation feature allows you to define rules to trigger your emails based on criteria such as the time of day, day of week, or even when someone clicks on a link in your email.

Pros & Cons of KIRIM Email


  • With built-in email verification and automatic list cleaner, you’ll never miss another lead again!
  • The high open rate and click-through rate are just two of the factors that go into determining how well your ads perform.
  • Cloud-based email marketing service
  • Build email templates with drag and drop features to quickly create email campaigns.
  • Custom Domain landing page builder with drag and drop


  • It is yet to develop and get more users.


The more emails you send out, the more chances you have to get sales. But the trick is to figure out the right price point that makes sense for you. With Kirim, a business-to-consumer startup that enables companies to create their own branded email addresses for marketing and communications purposes, the company could charge a monthly fee and make money when users sign up.

Monthly Pricing Starts at $13.61*

kirim pricing

Lifetime Available Deal Starting at $69

An easy to use email marketing service that helps you keep your contacts up-to-date, and automatically cleans out invalid email addresses.

App sumo pricing


Kirim Email uses the best practises of other email marketing services, but it goes a step further to ensure that your emails are actually delivered to real people. Kirim Email provides you with an accurate email list. Your subscribers know they’re getting the right emails, you don’t have to guess whether a subscriber opened your emails, and there’s no more spam.